Choosing To Move

The Biggest Challenges Of Residential Moving And How To Address Them

by Elmer Riley

Nobody ever said moving would be easy, but sometimes, it can feel like you've really taken on more than you can handle. Rest assured, you will get through it. By taking stock of these common moving challenges and how to address them, you can keep moving more manageable.

Challenge #1: Getting large furniture out the door.

From pianos to beds, moving all of these large items can be quite the task. Not only do you have to pick them up and carry them, but you have to maneuver them through doorways too. Here are a few tips to help you in this regard.

  • If you can disassemble it, disassemble it. You're better off spending a half-hour undoing screws than hurting your back lifting an item that's too heavy.
  • If needed, you can remove doors and even door frames to fit large items through.
  • Measure items before trying to squeeze them through a doorway. This way, you'll know what side has to go through first.

Challenge #2: Driving the moving truck.

You're comfortable driving your own car or SUV, but driving a moving truck is a whole different endeavor. To make this task a little easier and less intimidating, rent the smallest truck you can fit your things into. Choose an automatic truck, even if you are capable of driving a standard, so you don't have to worry about shifting with everything else going on. And have a friend or family member ride along with you in the moving truck. They can help you merge, assist with navigation, and keep you calm during the drive.

Challenge #3: Scheduling everything.

Moving often means juggling a bunch of different schedules and availability restrictions. You have to schedule the moving truck rental, the key pickup from the new landlord, the inspection of your old place, and so forth. There's really no way around this juggling, but there are a few tips that will make it easier.

  • Consider picking up the keys to your new place ahead of time so you don't have to worry if you're late arriving to move in.
  • Rent the moving truck for an extra day to give yourself more time.
  • Move out of your old place before you absolutely have to so you have plenty of time to schedule the move-out inspection.

The tips above should help you tackle the most challenging aspects of moving. If you still feel like you're in over your head, consider hiring a team of residential movers. They'll handle most tasks for you, leaving you more time to relax.
